Monday, October 6, 2008

What did you learn?...

I learn so much every time I listen to our leaders speak. This time, I learned....

1. To Enjoy the Journey!! (Pres. Thomas S. Monson) He reminded us of just how fast these precious years go, so enjoy them!! One day we will look back, and long to have sticky fingerprints on all of our things.

2. That our morning and evening prayers should be a continuation of each other. Our prayers should be continuous. (Brother Bednar)

I am thankful for these two poignant thoughts, that I need to reflect on.

What are you reflecting on?


  1. I LOVED President Monson's talk. It was one of my favorites. I am going to try to remember what he said and really TAKE it in.

  2. Pres. Uchtdorf's talk on HOPE. Also, Elder Ballards's, especially his quote: "The best is yet to be." And Elder Holland's talk on ANGELS. I loved those! I loved the whole conference, of course. :)
