It looks like Scribd is being a hassle now as far as trying to download the PDF's for free. So I have taken all the ones I already posted in the archive and uploaded them to Google Drive. I changed all the links on the archive page.
So if you've had trouble trying to get them through Scribd, try again! Hope it works this time.
Note: We've taught and baptized another son since I started posting these, and they're still not all on here! I do plan to get them all here eventually, but it may not be till the next child turns 7. :) Please feel free to copy my idea and plan your own lessons for the topics that are currently missing! You can receive the inspiration you need for your own individual family and how best to teach it to them.
Michelle. Thank you so much. There has been a huge response for this.
Hi Michelle! I can't wait for the rest to be uploaded!
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