A few months ago, I submitted this page to Creating Keepsakes Magazine and now it's in the September Issue of the magazine. My submmissions make my scrapbooking affordable/free/and once in a while some left over for decorating or in my case this year, grass. Here are the links to the three that pay for submissions (they are all owned by CKMedia):
CK Submit Your Work
Digital Scrapbook Magazine Submissions
Simple Scrapbooks Magazine Submit Your Work
Fun but vague journaling is best. The resolution needs to be no bigger than 7x7 @ 72dpi saved as a jpeg with a quality of 6. Make sure you keep a high resolution image in a folder for quick sending (usually 8x8 @ 300 dpi with a jpeg quality of 12).
Here is the link to the FREE DIGTAL SCRAPBOOK PAGE download from Creating Keepsakes Magazine September 2008 Issue. For some reason the brown one isn't up right now, but feel free to go back and check later if you want that one.
Tips & Tricks
Yeah! Laura, I'm so glad you are going to share a little of your expertise with us. I'm going to have to check out those links. I would love to start tying to submit pages, but sometimes I'm too lazy to go the extra mile. I think you will inspire me to try.
Thanks for the post! I actually saw that in the magazine and it caught my eye..I read about it. I didn't know it was you though! Good job! I'll have to try submitting too!
Thank you. This may be a way for me to make some extra dough. What a great idea.
Awesome. Thanks for the link! Looking forward to more digital scrapbooking hints--I'm just getting started. :)
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